By sheer coincidence

Bob Lee at made a post yesterday listing his recent Twitterings. Funny because I’d just been wondering about the same sort of scenario.

At first I thought, what the heck is the point of using Twitter if you’re going to be posting your Twitters on your blog? Well, to attempt to answer that question, one could argue that having your Twitter feed separate from your normal blog feed means that people who like your long-form postings can subscribe to that feed and not be inundated by the constant Twitter chatter (this is a link to Bob’s Twitter page so you can see what I mean). So that’s nice for those people. But the people who want to just read everything you post now have to subscribe to two different feeds (and if they’re like me, they have to worry at least once or twice a week if the feed is updating correctly since there haven’t been any new posts lately).

But, in fact, it appears that Bob is thinking nearly the same kind of thing I’m thinking since his most recent Twitter (at the time of writing) is:

I’m starting to wonder if I should just start a high frequency blog–kind of like Dave Winer. Or maybe I should convert my existing blog.


The question, I guess, is: are more people going to be annoyed by having to read more, shorter, Twitter-style posts in between the longer posts that they’re more interested in? Or are more people going to just wish that you’d only have one feed for everything?

I will do some searching about this magical “meta” feed, of course, right after I finish this post. Just as I did some searching yesterday after that post and found that Facebook will import blog entries for you from any RSS feed and post them as “Notes.” So, now, everything I post here will be crossposted to Facebook automagically. For the meta-feed, though, I’m imagining something that will include public Flickr photos integrated as well. But then the question still remains, will people want to see somewhat random photos just appearing in my feed whenever I happen to upload them, mixed in with the .plan posts as well as the more-than-one-paragraph posts? Or is it just better to have 3 separate feeds for photos, twitters, and posts, and let people subscribe to whatever they choose?

Another potential solution – perhaps the easiest for everyone – would be to add a “post” or “longform” category to this blog, and make sure that all posts that are not twitter-like in nature are included in that category. WordPress is nice enough to create feeds for each category, so anyone who wanted to get only the posts without the twitterpations, could subscribe to that category and get what they wanted without all the other stuff. To provide for the eventuality that this idea becomes the implemented solution, I have added said “Longform” category now, and this is that category’s inaugural post.

Posted on June 5, 2007, in .plan, Facebook, Longform, Nels Wadycki. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. I think the barrier for me was the ease of posting. Blogger has an OS X Blogger widget, but I was always too afraid to use it.

    Twitter also forces me to keep things short. I had trouble doing that before as I would edit over and over. There’s only so much editing you can do in 140 chars.

    Then again, I’m not sure I would be able to keep up with Google Reader if everyone blogged like this.

  2. Twitter also is more of a hybrid blog/IM. Even with an RSS aggregator, blogs are still more of a “pull” action than a “push”. Twitter is an incoming stream until you turn it off — particularly if you’re signed up for text messages or IMs.

    Also, I agree with Bob… if everyone blogged like they Twittered, Google Reader would explode. šŸ™‚ I’ve actually removed blogs from my reader if their owner posted too often. (In my opinion, that can actually be worse than not posting often enough!)

    I have major Mac envy when it comes to Twitterific, though. The Windows platform has no tool (yet) that’s nearly as nice. (I use TwitBin from inside Firefox.) If only there was a 28 hour day, I would write one…